February 24, 2010

Is it Spring Yet?

Ok, so I know I can't complain too much. I have been watching the weather channel and realize that the north has been absolutely pummeled with snow this winter, but I must say I'm OVER the cold! I mean, I live in the deep south for a reason and it has nothing to do with below freezing temperatures! Two weeks ago we had what I like to refer to as a 'good snow'. Growing up in Georgia, I've come to realize that 'good snows' are far and few between...mostly we get slushy ice. This time it was the pretty, fluffy stuff that even was conducive to snowball making. And while it was fun for about an hour, I was ready for the sunshine to come back. Yeah, that didn't happen. We actually had snow on the ground for almost a week (Aunt Brenda, stop laughing at me). Ugghhh. I did get some pretty cute shots of the kids though...

February 9, 2010


As some of you all may know, we had to take our dog Louey in for surgery to repair a torn ACL in his knee. He is our Boxer/Bulldog mix who is 4 years old. He went in on Friday 1/29 and stayed the night at the vet's office. After a week of pain meds, he seems to be doing just fine. He's already putting weight on the leg and isn't chewing at the bandages at all (we were concerned about that!). The hardest part has been keeping him in his cage. He has to stay in his cage all day except for potty breaks and to eat. For a dog who is used to playing and sleeping on our bed, it has been quite an adjustment. For us all! Here is Lou with his soft cast... And here is a picture Cameryn drew of Louey - note the black bandaged leg :)

February 2, 2010

Stomach Bugs, Bug Bites & Chicken Nuggets

It was a rough weekend to say the least. The stomach virus hit the Nardello household in FULL EFFECT. Reid was sick Thursday night, Cameryn and I were sick Saturday night and Jimmy was sick yesterday. No fun at all! On Friday morning Lou had surgery on his right knee to repair damage done to his ACL. He is on his way to a full recovery, but it is going to be a SLOW process. He has to stay in his crate for 60 (yes, SIXTY) days, only coming out for potty breaks and to eat. Uggghhh. Poor thing; as if he didn't have enough issues already :-) On a funnier note, last night Cameryn (once again) had me in stitches. Here is how our conversation went: Me: Cameryn why do you keep scratching your leg? Cameryn: Because I have a bump on it...look! Me: (Afer examining) I don't see anything...maybe it's just a bug bite. Cameryn: Ummm, no, I think it means I'm getting the chicken nuggets. I REALLY need to start writing these things down!

January 26, 2010

Cameryn and Reid Playing

Cameryn and Reid Playing, originally uploaded by Sharice88.

They just get along so well :-)

Mr. Giggles

No one can make Reid giggle quite like his big sister! Mon, 25 Jan, originally uploaded by Sharice88.

January 25, 2010

Gymnastics (Day 1)

Here is a short video clip of Cameryn's first day in gymnastics (Tumble Tykes). It was taken this past Saturday (1/23). The class was 45 minutes long and it was at the same gym that I took gymnastics 15-20 years ago! There were about 6 other 3 year olds in the group and they worked on everything from forward rolls (as seen below), to uneven bars, to the trampoline. I have never seen her more focused on anything...she definitely enjoyed this WAY more than soccer! We go again this coming Saturday and I don't know who is more excited...me or Cameryn :-)

Christmas Pics

This year, we spent Christmas in Brunswick (at my sister-in-law Janine's home). Because my parents live in Snellville and Jimmy's are in Boca Raton, FL, we switch off holidays each year. It works out well for everyone that way! Anyway, Christmas morning was so much fun. Cameryn really understood the excitement of presents/Santa this year and was a joy to watch. Reid was still too young to care about much of anything other than the wrapping paper, but that was o.k. too. I (of course) managed to leave my camera at home, so no pics from Christmas day. We did take video, but I haven't figured out how to transfer the video from our camcorder to my computer. The pics below are from "Christmas" with my parents, Chris, Tina and Owen. We actually celebrated and opened presents about two weeks into January, but that was just fine. We all had a wonderful time and as you can see by the pics, Reid REALLY enjoyed his new Tonka truck :-) Cameryn received a leotard, tutu and ballet slippers from Mimi and Grampy and was surprised to find out she was starting gymnastics too! Should be fun!